miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008

Happy New Year.

The year comes to an end today, many things I have to be thankfull...
Happy New Year to all of you...
El ano llega a su fin, muchas cosas tengo por las cuales agradecer...
Feliz ano!!
Ale xx

martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Nice visitors.

The last days, I have been working on my resolutions for the next year, I did it this year, and I worked out quite well, I made a sketch of my resolutions, I post it where I could see the sketch every morning when I wake up, and when I was thinking about it, I came to think I wrote or sketched 4 resolutions on it, I made pretty well in 3 of them, and Im still working on the 4th, in fact I worked out good, but not to the point I would like it to. Now you can have a look on my new resolutions for 2009 sketch, and the best of being busy sketching and drawing, I got some so nice visitors on my work desk...... ladybugs, everytime I get to my desk they are not there, so I start to work and when I begin to work with watercolors, voila.... they show up, and the most amazing thing .... they walk around my work..... then they get to the watercolors to drink, so one night I was looking them... at that moment there was 3 of them. walking from here to there, sometimes they just stop and also had a look at me. (what a strange creature, they must think about me, ha ha), when I took the time to look at them, everyone of them is unique, ...

En los ultimos dias he estado trabajando en un sketch sobre mis propositos para el ano que viene, este ano, lo hice, sin darme cuenta empece a hacer dibujitos sobre lo que queria hacer este ano, y lo puse en la pared en donde cada manana lo pudiera ver , sin darme cuenta, de las cuatro que puse, logre 3 bastante bien, y en la cuarta sigo trabajando, aunque para serles sincera, resulto bastante bien, y avance mucho en ella, de manera que hoy pueden hecharle un ojito a mis resoluciones para el ano de 2009, y lo mejor de estar trabajando en mi escritorio haciendo sketches y dibujos, es tener unas agradables visitas.... catarinas. Cada vez que aparecen caminan sobre mi trabajo, y se suben a los godetes, de ahi beben agua, en un momento me puse a observarlas, pues habia 3 de ellas, caminan de aqui para alla, y hasta se detienen a verme, (que criatura tan rara, han de pensar ellas, no), pero al observarlas yo a ellas, me di cuenta que diferentes son... cada una de ellas es unica...

Seguire en mi preparacion personal para recibir el nuevo ano y serguir trabajando y lograr mis objetivos. Lo mejor para cada uno de ustedes.

Ale xx

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

Clandestine for IF

This little mouse is a real clandestine, he could manage to get into the house and get a real good piece of cheese and get back home, even he could eat it before his brothers noticed he had it.

Este pequeno raton es un verdadero clandestino, pudo meterse a la casa sin que nadie lo notara y tomar un gran pedaso de queso, incluso se lo comio antes de que sus hermanos se dieran cuenta.

Sorry for the photo, I still dont have my scaner to post properly,
Mil disculpas por la calidad de las fotos, todavia no tengo my scaner para poder postear adecuadamente.

Ale xx

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

Christmas, Navidad.

Finalmente llego la Navidad, mi mas grande deseo que todos ustedes tengan una muy feliz Navidad, muchisimas gracias por sus visitas y comentarios.
Christmas is here, thanks so much for your visits and comments in my blog, the best for you this Christmas.
Ale xx

December 24th, the last Posada.

Hi there, today, December 24th, the last Posada, after the young people, sang and said the prays, its time to have some fun, first to break up the pinata, the way we, mexican people know to do, singing and telling to the one who is trying to find the pinata,(hard to do this with something on your eyes, eh), up, up...... no, down down....... yes, there, there,.... now jump , right, left. ya, lots of fun. mean while everybody can have a warm ponche, or a taco, or a tostada, or a bunuelo, with all your friends .... and sometimes we use to do the same with the family, its great to do it.

I wanted to show you how, we spend the Holidays in Mexico, we used to do this every year, now, its not easy, as not many people is interested on traditions, some how, its more interesting to get into other countries traditions, this is why I invite you to keep your own traditions, before they get lost... share your own traditions with your family, your children, and of course with your friends. Have the best of them, they only can bring good moments and memories.

Hola a todos, hoy, Diciembre 24, es la ultima posada, despues de que mis jovenes amigos, cantaron y dijeron las oraciones que solemos decir en las posadas, es hora de algo de diversion, primero romper la pinata, (claro, por supuesto que es dificil romperla con los ojos tapados), pero todos te ayudan a encontrarla, arriba arriba....... no, abajo, abajo....... brinca, brinca..... a la derecha, no.... a la izquierda..... y asi por un buen rato, mientras todos cantan, y uno que otro ya esta tomando su ponche caliente, y tacos y tostadas, y bunuelos.... Es una gran forma de pasarla bien con los amigos, y viviendo las tradiciones mexicanas.

Quise compartir contigo, una de las tradiciones mexicanas que mas me gustan, de esta manera se solia pasarlas, es cada vez mas raro, debido a que no es tan facil hacer tanto como se requiere para hacer una posada, al igual que es caro hacerla y por otro lado, mucha gente prefiere dejar de lado nuestras tradiciones y tomar otras. Por eso te invito a seguir viviendolas, con la familia, con nuestros hijos o con los amigos,

Vive esta tradicion nuestra, ya que nos dan buenos momentos y buenos recuerdos.

Ale xx

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008

Today is my birthday!!!

Hi there, today is my birthday, yahoo!!
My young friends are ready for the posada, and just like old times. they began it singing and praying,, and in front of the line you can see, two of them carring the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph looking for a place where they can stay that night, just before the baby Jesus was born, lots of meannings in this tradition.

I post this illo also for Voices for IF.

Hola a todos, hoy es mi cumpleanos, yahoo!!
Mis jovenes amigos estan listos para empezar la posada, como en los viejos tiempos, empezaron formando una linea, con sus velitas encendidas y cantando y resando la posada, los primeros de la fila llevan a la Virgen Maria y a San Jose, ya que la posada empieza con ellos buscando un lugar en donde pasar la noche, justo antes de que el Nino Dios naciera. Hay mucho significado en esta tradicion.

Tambien posteo esta ilustracion para Voces de IF.

Ale xx

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008

Busy, busy ,

Well, as you can see here, everybody is busy busy, getting ready for the posada, lots to do, lots to make, all this work is part of the fun, and the better way to get it done is do it together with friends.

Como pueden ver aqui, todos estan super ocupados, ya que hay muchas cosas que hacer antes de que la posada empiece, pero todo este trabajo puede ser parte de la diversion, y la mejor manera de hacerla es con los amigos...

Ale xx

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

More about the Posada.

More about the posada, to get all the stuff these young people will need for the posada, the best way is to make work teams, and every team will get some, they drive from here to there to get everything, lets hope they wont forget anything.......
Ale xx

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Do not forget anything....

Hi there, this time I made a sketch for the shopping list, ya, lets not forget anything, my young friends will need lots and lots of thing for their posada,
one or two pinatas, but better 3
lots of fruit to make the ponche, hot fruited beverage.
mole and others dishes to make tacos. in the best mexican way
lots of tortillas
bunuelos, fried big cookies with a dark sugar syrup.
lots of pops, but this time my friend just got the mexican pops, you know, with guayaba, tamarindo, they taste so good.
many Nochebuenas, to decorate the place.
Candies to fill up the little baskets, ya, if you have been in Mexico for a Posada, just the old way, you might had those little pink and yellow candies most of the people dosent like, but we keep to put them in the bags to give.
And, cant miss this............fireworks, ya lots of them.... escupidores, busca pies, bombas, y las super palomas. ....................... just be careful.

oh, and dont forget to get the Holly Mary and St. Joseph, small so you can put them in a tray, and the little books with the song and prays, and also the little candles and the sparkles.

Now you know, to make a mexican Posada , you need lots of things, and be sure lots of friends will join you to have a wonderful night.................. and this happens every night for 9 days before Christmas.

Ale xx

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Christmas in Mexico.... Posadas.

Hi there, well, when I posted my entry for IF for similar, I got some comments aboug it was nice to get to know something about how some countries have differents ways to have Christmas,
Today, December 16th, the Posadas begin in Mexico, a Posada is a mexican party, we have 9 of them, ha ha, every day before of Christmas starting today, we use to get together and sing to the baby Jesus, and also do some prays, after that, we love to have pinatas and mexican food.
These young teens would love to share with you their posada, so they will do everyday something to get ready for their great posada before Christmas.
Ale xx

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008

Work boots

I made this water color for Different Strokes from Different Folks, Karin Jurick s wonderful blog, where she posts a photo, and many artis makes their own work to post in her blog.

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

Bullicioso, for IF

La palabra de esta semana en ingles, es tan dificil para mi, pero aqui tienen a este personaje, vaya si es un personaje, ladrando y moviendose por todos lados, ladrando sin descansar, todo un beagle.

This week word in english is so difficult for me, in spanish is bullicioso, so here you have this dog, barking and from here to there all the time, its just a beagle.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

5000 visitantes.

La semana pasada mi blog llego a la cifra de 5000 visitantes, por eso, algunos personajes que han formado parte de las entredas, se reunieron para festejarlo y dar las gracias a cada uno de ustedes, que dia a dia nos visitan. Gracias !!!

Last week my blog hitted the 5000 visitors, some of the characters whos has been here, got together to come and thank you, each one of you, visitors that day after day come here to visit us. Thank you !!!!

Ale xx

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

Similar for IF

Hi everybody, this week for IF is similar, so after I took a moment to think about it, and few ideas came up to my mind, I went to this one, may seems to be a quest, what do similar do Santa, Saint Nicholas and baby Jesus has in commun,.... well they have similars job on December 24th night, they deliver Christmas present to people, mainly children around the world. its know some countries they welcome Saint Nicholas on December 24 th, same happens for Santa, but in countries like mine baby Jesus does it.....
Hola a todos, esta semana el tema para IF es similar, de manera que despues de pensar un poco en algunos temas que se me vinieron a la mente que podria trabajar sobre el tema, escogi este, que algunos les parecera como adivinaza, pues que tienen de similar San Nicolas, Santa y el nino Jesus....... pues tienen un trabajo similar, en la mayoria de los hogares , la noche del 24 de diciembre son bienvenidos, pues dejan regalos a la gente, en su mayoria a los ninos, en algunos paises San Nicolas es esperado, en otros Santa y en paises como el mio, el Nino Jesus.
Por el momento no puedo trabajar con el scaner, de manera que estoy trabajando con la camara fotografica, tenganme paciencia..... je je, que yo estoy aprendiendo a tenermela.
Ale xx

An Award.

Thank you so much Monica http://msc4art-books.blogspot.com/, for this award, it means a lot to me, as you are such a great illustrator, and very nice person!!

Here are the rules, the winner may

1. Put the logo on their blog
2. Put a link to the person that sent them the award
3. Nominate 5 blogs for the award

Id like to nominate these very talented and creative people and their blogs.

1. Eric Orchard http://ericorchard.blogspot.com/
2. Yaxin the Faun, Manuel http://yacinfields.blogspot.com/
3. Prash, http://prashart.blogspot.com/
4. Emily, http://escapeprocess.blogspot.com/
5. Aramel, http://puntosupensivos.blogspot.com/

The list could go on and on, as there are so many talented and creative people, its so hard to pick up just 5. so I would like to nomite all the blogs I have their links in my blog,

Once again, thanks so much Monica.

Ale xx

Monica me nomino para un premio, muchisimas gracias, pues yo la considero una gran ilustradora y persona, por lo cual el premio significa mucho para mi.

tengo que poner su nombre y link en my blog y nominar a cinco personas mas al igual que sus blogs,, puedes visitarlos, pues arriba estan tanto los nombres como los links que te llevaran a sus respectivos blogs.

Es tan dificil encontrar solo a 5, de manera que de igual forma nomino a todos los blogs que estan listados en mi blog, es un placer visitarlos cada dia, ver sus nuevas creaciones y aprender de ellos, al igual que me sirven de motivacion, para poner mi cabeza a trabajar, al igual que mis pinceles y plumas,

Ale xx