martes, 29 de julio de 2008
Haditas veraneando, Summer fairies.

lunes, 28 de julio de 2008
Hablando sobre pintores.

While I was working in new designs for the saturday class in Mexico city, I was watching TV, there were a program about impresionist painters, one woman was in a french cafe in front of a coffe table, she was interesting, so here you have the sketch I made of her.
domingo, 27 de julio de 2008
Consintiendome, Indulging myself.
sábado, 26 de julio de 2008
Dos buenos amigos, two good friends.
miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008
Te mañanero, morning tea
lunes, 21 de julio de 2008
Una noche tranquila, a quiet night.

In a quiet Sunday at home, I had time to work , leting my inner child comming out, and go out in the middle of the night to get some stars to bring home.
domingo, 20 de julio de 2008
sábado, 19 de julio de 2008
jueves, 17 de julio de 2008
martes, 15 de julio de 2008
Amigos. Friends
domingo, 13 de julio de 2008
sábado, 12 de julio de 2008
viernes, 11 de julio de 2008

A night watching tv, I was watching a Nat Geo program about polar bears, they are such great animals, so I started to make some sketchs of them, so I could see how much I could hold an imagen in my mind. As imagens in tv just last few seconds, to tell you the true, that bici wasnt in the program. It came out from my mind.
miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008
Dia de gatos, Cat day.

I gave to a nice family the last kitty yesterday, happyly every kitty found a good family to live with, when I was leaving my house to give the last kitty to his new family , a friend who lives in same conde than me, knocked at my door to tell me a cat had kitties in her daughter doll house, the doll house is in her garden, so I went to see the kitties (as my friend wanted to know if they were kitties or rats), yes they were kitties, 3, beautiful healthy kitties, my friend also asked me to take the kitties and mom to my home...... No!!!! in a moment I could see myself like the sketch I made up for you, my house full of cats, No!! I told my friend, and the cat and kitties are alredy ok in the doll house, so we will wait to the kitties are old enough to find a good family for each one of them.
martes, 8 de julio de 2008
Niñas jugando.
domingo, 6 de julio de 2008
Mañana de Domingo, Sunday morning!!!

Sunday morning, taking day off, and relax myself, wow, these babies are leaving home, I gave a female yesterday to a wonderful family, and tomorrow the last two will meet their new families, I will miss them. They are such of fun,,,,,,,,,
viernes, 4 de julio de 2008
Jugando con acuarelas, Playing with water colours.

Mientras veía la TV, empecé a jugar con las acuarelas.
Listos para marcharse, se han convertido en los mas graciosos mininos, dos en colores fuertes y dos en versión pálida, increíble, los dos gatitos de colores fuerte, los que están al centro, son intrépidos y la gatita calico fuerte es la que marca la pauta, los dos gatitos de los extremos y en colores pálidos son retraídos y tímidos. Pero todos son un amor. Afortunadamente para ellos , cada uno ya encontró un hogar a donde ir.
Ready to leave moms home. They have become so cute kitties, two in strong colors, two in pale colors, two females , two males, the two kitties in strong colors are intrepids ones, the female in the center is the leader, the two kitties at the sides are shy, but everyone is cute and loving kitty. Lucky to everyone, each one of them have found a good family to go with.
jueves, 3 de julio de 2008
La hora de la pintura, Time to paint it.
With acrilics and with water, I give a first hand, with diferents colors, allow each color to dry before you paint with another one. You can be so creative in this step, enjoy it.
miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008
Paso 3, Step 3.
When the alebrije is dry, (to dry can take from one day to some days, depends in how the weather is), sand the alebrije, clean out all the dust and give a coat with engrudo, let it dry and paint it with primer ( yes, primer is what we use when you want to paint a car, this coat will protect the alebrije and will easy the paint),
martes, 1 de julio de 2008
Como hacer un alebrije, paso 2, How to make an Alebrije, step 2.
With brown bag paper, with engrudo, lets cut thin stripes and cover all the body as well the feet and hands.
En la espalda le puse pequeñas alitas, solo con papel.
I put smal wings on its back.
Aquí, ya pueden ver, que trabaje los ojos, la lengua y decidí que fuera hembra con su marsupia.
You can see here, I worked the eyes, tong, and I wanted it be a female, so I put her a bag for babies.
Y sus antenas y bigotes, por supuesto.