Mis quedidos lectores, una vez más, una ilustración par IF, "Sneaky", lo primero que se me vino a mi mente, al leer la palabra para la semana, fué el diálogo de Golum en el Señor de los anillos, "sneaking here, sneaking there"... y bueno, no me anime a hacer a Golum, de manera que buscando el significado de sneaky... Furtivo... y que mejor que una pequeña zorrita.
Espero les guste.
Tengan un muy buen inicio de semana, y recuerden, ser positivos y alegres.
My dear readers, Im so glad to be here again and posting a new illustration for IF, this week, "Sneaky", the first thing I got in my mind, was Golum saying, "sneaking here, sneaking there, in an illustrated movie I saw many years ago, but, then I looked for the meaning of the word. It gave me a different meanning that the first one I thought, so, I made this little fox... a sneaking little fox.
Hope you like it.
Have a great week, remember, keep your self happy and positive, its the best thing we can do.
2 comentarios:
How interesting. Gollum was the first thing my husband thought of when I told him about "sneaky." But I think your fox was a good choice!
Lovely little fox! Her tail resembles me a... coloured pencil! I don't wonder - she's living with you!:)
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